Public Health officials advise that fully vaccinated individuals are well-protected from serious illness due to known COVID-19 variants including Delta variants, and vaccinating as many people as possible, as soon as possible, continues to be the best defense against severe COVID 19 infection, and the harm it can do to our region. Vaccines are safe, effective, free, and widely available to everyone 12 and older.

The SMCCCD Board of Trustees has adopted policy (BP 2.90) that requires COVID-19 vaccines for employees, students, and members using District services such as the San Mateo Athletic Club (CSMAC).

Fully vaccinated is defined as two (2) weeks (14 days) post completing a COVID-19 vaccination series (two (2) doses for Pfizer and Moderna OR single dose Johnson & Johnson)

(Individuals who have recovered from a COVID-19 infection are still required to obtain a COVID-19

Beginning November 15, 2021, CSMAC will require proof of full vaccination for all individuals over
the age of 12 in order to participate in any services/programs offered by CSMAC or provide any services to CSMAC. Upon check in, staff will request vaccination verification via a CDC vaccination card or
digital COVID-19 vaccine record. Notation of vaccination verification will be recorded in participants’ records and will not be requested for subsequent visits.

Those who are not fully vaccinated may not enter CSMAC or engage in CSMAC activities until the requirement has been met.

If you have not yet been vaccinated and can medically do so, visit MyTurn to schedule an appointment.


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